Worked the Atticus tent again, I held that shit down this year. Sold a truck full of clothing, hung out with lots of friends, drank cider, walked a long way each night at 3am, didn't shower for a week, ate a lot of Mexican food, had a blast.
Highlight: Watching Faith No More sound check to an empty field on the Thursday afternoon. They played five songs. So amazing. Then getting to see them play on Friday night was incredible.
Also saw the following bands. Some good, most bad, pretty ugly. Our tent was in front of the 2nd stage, so I saw every band that played there. Line up is here if you're interested.
Also saw Limp Bizkit, Slipknot and Korn. The 14 year old me probably would have loved that shit. The 24 year old version of me thought it was all a bit silly.
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