Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mug Mug Mug!!!

I worked what might be my final shift at Wild At Heart today. Working in a tattoo shop has been one of the best ways to spend my weekends for the last few months. So many retarded people out there. I'm going to do a top 5 worst tattoo requests list tomorrow when I'm not so tired. I'm going to miss working in that shop.

Scrad and I got up at stupid o'clock this morning to go and get Descendents tattoos before I started work. I was still drunk/extremely hungover and almost greened out while Wade was blitzing my leg.

Will all my grown up friends say, they've seen it all before.
They say hey act your age, and I'm immature.

I think I'm destined to never see The Big Lebowski in its entirety ever. Blockbuster are dropping the ball on the one service they're supposed to provide. Renting out DVDs for me to watch on my television. I don't want to get part way through a movie and have it stop working. Sort it out Blockbuster. I need to know more about The Dude.

I can't wait for LOST Season 5. Fuck the haters, this show is brilliant. I watched most of Season 4 again this week on the days I had off sick from work. So good. Look at the promo of the main characters for Season 5. Only a month until it starts. YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!

I'm about to have some night time cold and flu tablets and peace the fuck out. Yahtzee.


  1. That Ice Tea was an amazing fixer-upper-er

  2. I've got to say that I'm part of the hater crew when it comes to Lost. The promo photo for it is awesome, though. Reminds me of some of the photos that were done for Six Feet Under back in the day.

  3. Lost is only in its third season in Holland. Better postpone that trip boyee.
